Monday, September 13, 2021

 If I could talk with the Lord,for a moment today, what would I ask Him and what would I say? Lord my heart is to serve you and follow your way, but how do I do that and live day by day?

♥ My husband and children need time for me too, and there's always the dishes and laundry to do. My neighbor is hurting I see it in her eyes, and just when she needs me the little ones cries.

 When I find time to seek you and quietly pray, I find myself saying, "Lord what did you say?"
while thinking of what shall I cook today.

 I know there's an answer, Lord give me a clue, just how is a woman supposed to serve you? The woman in proverbs sounds awesome to me, but she must have had help from a servant...or three.

 Oh my daughter I love you and want you to see, that the life that I give you should set your soul free. I have given you gifts I've not given to men, when I give one to you, pass it on to a friend.
 You can love in a way that touches my soul, and remember without you my work isn't whole. If you truly desire to give me your heart, I will seek you, and find you and set you apart.
 So don’t measure yourself by the standards on earth, in my eyes, you  are a woman of worth.

 God loves you, and you are a "woman of worth."
Psalm 139:13 say.." You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb.

 God wants to embrace the wonder of his creation ( that would be you) and the depth of his love upon hearing " Love your neighbor as you love yourself." We often think, it doesn't seem right to love myself. It's okay to pour love all over yourself, because you're God's creation. You, with your smile, gifts, and heart. There will never be another you...a beautiful and one-of-a-kind pattern, believe it.

 God has given us two hands, one to receive, and the other to give with. Isaiah 49:16 says.." Behold, I have indelibly imprinted a picture of you on the palm of each of my are continually before me.

 When He keeps you. He places you close to His heart to warm you. He sets His eyes upon you and watches you without sleeping. He covers you you with His wings, to shield you from the storms of life.

 "How precious it is Lord, to realize that you are thinking of me constantly! And when I waken in the morning, you are still thinking of me! Psalms 139:17- 18

 My sisters...If you could talk with the Lord for a moment today, what would you ask him, what would you say?

♥  If I could talk with the Lord,for a moment today, what would I ask Him and what would I say? Lord my heart is to serve you and follow you...